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Panhandle British Car Association

USA flag from 3dflags.com Front Close-up of Bill Silhan's Aston Martin
Aston Martin will be the Featured Marque at our 2025 show!
British Flag from 3dflags.com

Welcome to The Panhandle British Car Association!

Who we are: We are an automobile club for the purpose of encouraging restoration, preservation and enjoyment of British automobiles. We are located in Pensacola, Florida, and surrounding areas.
What we do: We have many local events each year to display our cars and have fun doing it. We schedule our annual British Car show, usually the 3rd Saturday of April, near downtown Pensacola. During the past several years there were over 100 cars of all British types at our show.
Come join us! If you live near Pensacola and would like to join, we welcome all British cars. Ownership is not a requirement. Come and talk about British cars with us!

Jaguar logo Austin Healy Logo British Leyland logo MG logo Triumph shield Rover logo Triumph logo

This Front page was last changed: November 24th, 2024. Each page individually dated.
This PBCA website was originally started in December 1998 by Mike A. Japp.