THE PANHANDLE BRITISH CAR ASSOCIATION will present our 2025 Pensacola British Car Show to be held on April 11th-12th, 2025. We will again be at Seville Square Park (bordered by E. Government St, S. Alcaniz St, E. Zarragossa St. and S. Adams St), just two city blocks off E. Main St, and a short few blocks from the location of our Friday night dinner. Seville Square is a shaded park only a few feet from the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It's a lovely vacation or weekend paradise only walking distance to restaurants and shopping in the historic downtown Pensacola area. The "Participants Choice Award" and Class Awards are determined by the votes of registered show participants. The "Best of Show Award" is a Judged Award. Each vehicle entered will receive a ballot and dash plaque placed in the car at noon. Voting closes at 2:00 pm and awards are at 3:30pm. There are approximately 26 classes as determined by pre-registration numbers and each class will be awarded a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophy as applicable. There also are several special awards and some surprise awards. This is not a "concours" show, but a chance for British car lovers to get together, display their cars and have a good time. Any car can go home with a trophy. So, bring your British "ride" this year and enjoy the camaraderie. Schedule of Friday events:
Schedule of Saturday events: